
Hi! I'm Rebecca

I write emails that help guide you back to yourself.

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energy vs. evidence: some toilet humour.

I went to the garden centre with my friend the other day. She told me a story as she drove, about the bidet she’d just installed. She thought the heated seat was broken because she kept pushing the button to turn it on, but it remained cold to the touch. Sheepishly, she said ‘you know, I went back and re-read the instruction manual to figure out what I’d done wrong. It says right there that you need to sit on it for it to heat up. So I did. And it did.’ We both laughed. Then I looked out the...

5 days ago • 4 min read

A few days ago, the uncertainty became so big and overwhelming that I felt like I was at the bottom of the sea, waves crashing over me. I lay there, breathing on the floor, and one by one, I found the places in my body where I was bracing, holding, and tensing. One by one, like pulling tightly clutched fingers off the bottom rung of a ladder, I let go. There’s a thing about spiritual, or energetic freefall: The more you do it, the more you build a body of evidence supporting the fact that...

21 days ago • 4 min read

I used to get back from a vacation and want to cry. There were a few days upon return where I’d feel like I could do anything. I felt so big and free. I could see my own life with fresh eyes. And then, slowly, the walls would creep back in. I’d feel more and more like myself again. More and more… stuck. I remember chatting to my bestie Rosalee about it at the time. “I want to be on vacation from my life” I’d say. "Me too," she'd reply. We spent a lot of time talking about how stressed we were...

28 days ago • 2 min read

“I taught a ten year old how to do it yesterday, so you should be able to get it, Auntie Rebecca”. That’s Alfie. My oldest friend’s son. We’re sitting at the kitchen table, and he’s teaching me how to do a Rubix Cube. A thing that, for 42 years I just assumed was a matter of understanding the complexity and intricacy of how each of the squares moves, but, as it turns out, is just a series of movements that you repeat. A formula that you plug in. Or, as Alfie calls it, an algorithm. He teaches...

about 1 month ago • 4 min read

Quick note: If you missed out on Plump Potion or Plump Choco in the last pop-up, and/or want to order a few extras, skip to the bottom of the email to PS. #3-- I'm doing a pre-order so that I can make enough for everyone. I'll be making them in a couple of weeks when I'm back in the US, and will ship mid-April. I was disappointed by something last week. The coolest thing about developing a connection to my spirit guides is that I can ask them questions about things like this. Endlessly. They...

about 2 months ago • 4 min read

I gave a session a couple of weeks ago that changed me. My spirit guide sessions work through energy signature: a person talks about where they are in their life, where they want to be, or what it is that’s confusing them. Their guides then step in and show them an energy. It’s like… the energy of a wormhole, to get from here to there. From where you are to where you want to be, cutting through time and space to just, go there. The energy signature part itself is odd, but think of it like...

4 months ago • 3 min read

We all walk the knife’s edge between trust and not-trust. One one side, down a rocky path, is a landscape full of darkness, fear, and nightmares of possibility. Every single thing your brain comes up with at 4am when you’re trying to get back to sleep. On the other are clouds stretching out below the cliff’s edge. On occasion the clouds shift and you catch glimpses of beautiful things underneath. Joyful things. Cozy things. Things you want. Things that feel so good and hopeful they make your...

5 months ago • 4 min read

I have been working with a client who has made the most incredible shift in her life over the last 2 months. It’s a night/day scenario: her energy looks different, SHE looks different. She’s lighter, softer, more buoyant. Everything is moving more smoothly in her life. When I reflect back on what’s changed, it’s the opposite of what you’d think. There’s a thing that happens in my sessions, especially spirit guide stuff where it’s not really me doing the talking. Someone will come with an...

6 months ago • 3 min read

The air shifts as you step into the forest. Dense, cool, misty. After a few steps, the noise of the outside world disappears, as if a velvety curtain has closed it off behind you. The light shifts, ripples, dances. You take a deep, deep breath in, breathing the earth, the moisture in the air. It fills your lungs, the freshness, the petrichor of the damp earth, the essence of the trees. Your exhale feels like relief. Time slows, or disappears entirely. It is only you, the trees, the beings...

6 months ago • 1 min read

I have never felt like I belonged anywhere. Call it a by-product of moving at some really key developmental times in my life, or maybe it’s simply in my personality to always take a step back and see a situation from outside, but, I’ve never fit. In the UK, I’m too American, in the US, I’m too British. In spiritual communities I’m way too materialistic, and in communities that aren’t into woo-woo shit, I’m too weird. I was chatting to a friend about it years ago. She said ‘but have you ever...

6 months ago • 3 min read
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