Magic in your inbox

How often is your inbox filled with things that make your life feel more complicated:

Things to try. Productivity tips. Clothes sales… wait a minute I like those. 

A lot of it is stuff that grabs your attention and demands more of you. 

How about something different. 

Wonder Letters are a series of nudges back to yourself, reminding you weekly that you’re enough as you are.

That you don’t need to push so hard.

That it’s all actually okay.

That you’re good.

That you’re whole.

That the world is pretty great despite it also being a s**tshow. (this is the first and last time I’ll ever blank out a swear word, be warned). 

In a world that is constantly demanding your attention in various ways, Wonder Letters gently nudge you back into yourself. Into your own sense of spaciousness. Into your own wholeness.