Connection first.

There is no common language for the energy world. That’s not saying that there aren’t pockets of people who are aware of it, practice within it, have a deep connection, but that the language and perspective of our larger Overcultures ignore the mystical, the energetic, and the magical. 

I think this is important, for those of us who *do* work in the world of energy and connection, because we are not set up to *live* this connection effortlessly. 

In fact, many societies seem to be structured to distract us, or lead us away from, our connection at every turn: 

-We’re taught to ignore our bodies’ natural eating and sleeping schedules from a young age. 

-To ignore the ways we naturally learn, in schools. 

-To pay attention to TV and magazines and social media feeds to tell us how we’re supposed to look, act and be. 

-To fit within company culture and structures, to do a good job. 

-To fit within a choleric society’s idea of what makes a ‘better’ person: direct eye contact, focus, drive, determination, linear thinking, direction (lol but not too much if you’re socialised as female of course). 

These messages value more ‘material’ qualities, like numbers, quantification, goals, structure, logic, and linear results. We are taught to pay attention to these other things, over our own connection. All of a sudden, the very things that give us the most joy and fulfillment in our lives need to be verified, or proven, or explained in order to be valid. 

Our gifts? Our connection? The very reasons that we’re here? 

Yeahhh, that’s not rational. Can you prove that? Can you make money doing that? What do you mean ‘a feeling’, I need evidence. 

We are connected to this vast, incredible hidden world that is deeper, infinite, full of mystery and wonder and support and magic. And yet we have been taught, over, and over again, that the only way to succeed in life is to fit ourselves into the model of the overculture, despite the fact that we have MORE, not less resources. 

It's like, we were born with these paint palettes full of every colour under the sun, and then some dude with black, white, and grey paints was like 'ok here's how you paint', and because of that internalised de-valuing of our deepest skill and resource, we're like 'oh ok you’re right… shit, I don't have enough black and white paint. I think there's something wrong with me!'

Where, in reality it could be more of an 'oh, I can see that you have fewer paint colours than me, and are doing the best with what you have. That's cool. I'm going to use my black and white paints... but I'm also going to use cerulean, and burnt umber, and ochre, and crimson. You might not understand it, and you might not be able to even see it, but this is my palette, and it would be doing myself and the world a disservice to pretend to only have black and white paints in order to fit in.' 

I know what the world looks like when I paint in black and white: I feel insufficient, and like there’s something wrong with me. 

I know how it feels when I paint with my whole palette, too. It feels rich and full, and magical. It feels like I am guided, and able to take short cuts, because I have access to them. It feels like fun, and play, and joy and curiosity. It feels like never feeling alone, and never feeling unsupported. Being connected to, and guided by the hidden world is an incredible gift, and to those of us who dwell in these spaces, the connection is worth more to us than anything. 

The only thing that prevents us from LIVING this, is a series of thought habits, beliefs, and perspectives that we take on from the world around us from a young age. 

-There are reasons why, even though we KNOW we have a full palette of colours, we often lament that we don’t have enough black or white paint. 

-There are reasons why, even though our intuition screams things at us, sometimes we choose the thing that makes sense, over the thing that is a leap of faith in ourselves and our guides. 

-And, that the things that hold us back from living the connection fully, from seeing our own full palette and using it, are flimsy veneers that can be shifted and ignored with practice. 

The more we are able to focus on the connection, and let it lead, the better it feels. 

Last month, the world turned me upside down and inside out and rearranged my cellular structure. It sucked, and it was beautiful, and what emerged from this place of feeling so lost and confused, was that connection is *everything*. When lost, re-connect. When confused, re-connect. When feeling off, re-connect. Connect in the morning before doing anything, and re-connect throughout the day when distracted by all the stuff in life that pulls us away from it. 

If the connection comes first, then everything else falls into place. 

-Have you ever just asked yourself what brings you into closer connection with yourself and the energy world? 

-Have you ever, throughout your day just paid attention to the things that draw you away from it? 

It’s such a simple thing, but it can change everything. 

What pulls you away? 

What brings you closer? 

What if you pick one of the former, and set it free. 

What if you pick one of the latter, and do it more… 

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