On Laziness: a live video newsletter

The things I teach can be summed up in many different ways, but one of them could be 'accepting what is on the surface'. It is one of the fundamental aspects of all the different courses I teach, one of the things I'm constantly reminding new students, and something that has guided me to the deepest changes and understandings in my life.

The flip-side to this is resistance: we resist what is on the surface because it is not what we want it to be. In an 'ideal' world we'd all move as fast as our brains want us to, and not encounter any emotional resistance along the way, and would stick to our routines and work more like a machine than a body. I say 'ideal' because in reality I think these resistances to what is teach us so much about being human, and surrender, and acceptance, that life would be pretty boring if it was all resistance-free. (though I think we often keep ourselves in suffering for far longer than we need to, which is another topic entirely).
One of the side-effects of being able to face, accept, and even love what is on the surface, whatever it is (including resistance!), is that things take a natural course, and things often die. When we have habits and structures that get us to certain places, often times those habits and structures need to dissolve once that new place is inhabited. Or sometimes, it's just time.

Without accepting what is, it's easy to keep going like an automaton, and end up so far off your own course you don't remember who you are or why you started. Meeting the moment fresh, however, gives you opportunity to explore each of the expressions of a transition. To say 'oh, this thing I used to love doing is no longer a thing I love' or 'what is on the surface right now is discomfort' or even 'on the surface is a 'no' and I will respect that'.

What has been slowly dying, or changing, for the last year, as I felt into the resistance, the 'no' and the inner silence, is the old format of this newsletter. It's been such a fundamental aspect of who I am and what I do for so long now that it's been a very strange year, feeling out the 'no' and allowing it, without actually knowing what's coming in its place.

I think that's the scariest thing about endings: the uncertainty.

It's become clear to me that I'm no longer in the mood to write long newsletters in the same way I used to. But something else is emerging, and I'm really excited about it.

That's what's on the flip-side of the uncertainty: new life.

Letting things die means letting new things arise, and having the energy to do it all, and the possibility that what comes next is even better than what was there before.

So, I haven't had the time or inclination to write newsletters, but I have started to get excited about Live videos.

I did my first one last week-- on Laziness. It was fun (ok, nerve-wracking too), people showed up, and it felt like a party.

So, that's where I'm going for a while: Live video newsletters. They're going to be hosted in my Facebook group, Wonderkin, every two weeks or so.

If you want to catch the next one live: Join Wonderkin, and I'll make an event calendar so that you can know in advance when they're coming.

If you want to watch the replays, they will all be available in Wonderkin, and I will upload them to Youtube and send them out in this newsletter, so that you can catch them if you're not on FB.

Here's the first one: On Laziness.

If you follow the link to the Youtube website then you can click for captions. OR, below the video find a link to a transcript (created and edited by Kristy— thank you Kristy!).