About Rebecca


Hi I’m RebeccA ALTMAN.

I’m a writer and guide.

The process of rediscovering my own ability to connect with the Web of energy that weaves us all together, to remember my heart’s path, and to surrender to (and trust) both, completely transformed my life. It is my passion and mission in life to help other people find this for themselves.

I believe that in remembering our own connection to our selves, our life-paths, and the hidden world around us, that we can change the entire world for the better.

My purpose is to help you remember the truth: to remember how it feels to be immersed, again, in the web of the enchanted world we live in.

How did I get here?

For years, I longed for something more. 

I felt like there was something missing, just outside my reach.

I had a friend who was a shaman, and when we were out hiking she would talk about how she heard plants sing and rocks whisper. I wanted to hear plants sing! I wanted to see the hidden world! I didn't even fully understanding what I longed for, but I knew it was out there. 

It took me years to finally understand what it was I sought.

It was in the process of healing that I started to find it. When I stopped running from myself, from the deep well of pain and trauma that had been such a big part of my life, and decided that I wanted something more, and that I was willing to risk everything to find it.

I want to be clear: I didn’t know what the ‘more’ was at the time. I just knew that I wanted it. I had this deep, deep longing in my heart for a life that felt ALIVE, magical, connected, and real.

-I wanted to feel like I was in communication with the world around me.

-That I had access to the well of energy, potential and power that I felt inside me (and simultaneously felt terrified of).

-That my life had meaning and purpose.

So I set out, not really knowing where I was going.

I was living in Palm Desert, surrounded by these gorgeous desert mountains, and I went out walking every day. Over time, I started to think less about myself, and notice more of the world around me. I started to notice that the world around me was alive. Not just alive, but aware. It was as if I could feel it speaking to me, but I didn’t have the right dictionary so I couldn’t understand what it was saying. 

One night, after a particularly bad day, I had a dream: I was being held by a figure that I couldn’t see but I instinctively knew was my Mother. Not my mum (hi mum!), but the archetypal Mother. Maybe the Earth itself. And this mother held me in a way that I can only describe as absolute: absolute love, absolute acceptance, absolute trust. 

I felt connection like I’d never felt before, and despite the fact that I felt lost, I knew with certainty that I was in the right place, and that the world I wished for was real.

I didn’t even have a name for what I was connecting to, so I came up with my own: I started thinking of it as ‘The Web’. Over time, I learned to listen to it, to trust it, and to surrender to it more and more.

Over the last 20 years, I have studied herbalism, ecology, magic (with and without a k), mysticism, and religion. Yoga and yogic philosophy. Neuroscience, somatic bodywork, shamanism and psychology. I learned to not just hear plants, and trees and rocks, but to understand their language. I have a degree in English literature, with a long detour though half-finished majors in psychology, linguistics, philosophy, book arts, and Religious studies. I am qualified as a practitioner of the Pantarei Approach. I spend my days learning, exploring, being curious, and weave together a lot of different topics that might not appear related at first glance.

The thing I sought for years? I found it. It wasn’t a sudden thing, like arriving at the top of a mountain and feeling the satisfaction of arrival.

It was quiet: one day I stopped and looked back and realised that the thing I longed for and couldn’t name, was something I had found along the way and still couldn’t name. That instead of trying to find the path, I was already on it.

My whole life, I had a feeling that I was missing something important. I felt it, just out of reach, and longed for it. I found teachers (human and non-human) who helped me validate that feeling, and I went from longing for that world, to living it. 

Now, I guide others to remember it for themselves. 

I'm not special: this Web is there for all of us, touching us constantly, reminding us of who we are and where we come from. It's a blind step into the unknown, and that can be incredibly frightening, but I promise you, because I hear its whispers, that it's there for any of us who want it. 


Learn about my course,
The Wonder Sessions.