Being Enough.

(A free 9-day course on building self-worth)


How would your life change if you didn’t have to prove yourself? 

If you knew that you (as you are) were enough?


What would change? 

How would you feel? 

What would you stop doing? 

What would you START doing?


Most of us in industrialised society are taught very early in life that we aren’t enough. And we learn this, and spend the rest of our lives trying to fill up the gap created by this perceived lack: 

Do more than we can do. 

Achieve more than we have achieved.

BE more than we are. 

But despite us working harder and harder to be worthy enough, we never reach the goal, we never manage to feel like we’re enough. 

It is increasingly clear that what we are doing isn’t working.

We need a different way. 

And not just a self-care bath, and a few ‘love yourself’ affirmations, but a fundamental shift in the way we feel about ourselves. 

Enter self-worth (stage right).


Your self-worth is the internal setting that determines what you let into your life: 

Which opportunities you feel worthy of. 

What kind of friendships you feel equal to. 

What kind of relationships you allow in. 

The way you let people treat you. 

The life you feel worthy of living. 


Self-worth can determine what opportunities we see in the world, and whether we allow ourselves to fulfil them, or whether we self-sabotage. It determines how much we allow ourselves to be loved, or whether we push people away. 

It determines how much of ourselves we allow to be seen, or whether we hide, in shame, because we feel that our deepest selves aren’t lovable. 

It also determines how much of the magic in the world we experience! We might absolutely long for a deeper connection, to feel like our lives are enchanted and magical, but also secretly believe that it’s for other people but we don’t deserve it.

All of these settings are things we learn really early in our lives, and then these messages are reinforced over and over, by society, by the world we see reflected back at us, and by ourselves

In my course, The Wonder Sessions, the very first lessons can be a challenge for some. These lessons are about receiving the gifts of the world around us, and accepting our worthiness. The entire course, which is about living a magical life, is dependent on these first months of work, because without learning to receive it, the magic out there in the world remains something we’re separate from. I’ve had students wait, wanting to be told that they are worthy, or have it be proven to them somehow before they can take the steps themselves.

Having been there myself, and waiting for YEARS to be told that I belonged and was worthy, I knew exactly how they felt. I also knew that if they saw what I saw in them, they’d never question their own worthiness for a second. But, I couldn’t tell them that, because it would be coming from outside them. This would continue the cycle of ‘receiving value from the outside world’.

Which is why I started to create a course. It was originally something for my students who were struggling with the idea of worthiness, and stepping in to find their place. But that all changed a few months ago when I was teaching a class, and asked for a show of hands of who in the room felt like they were enough as they are. Nobody raised a hand. Crickets. Sad stares. Head shakes. In that moment, a seed planted itself in my heart.

I realised… this is something that the world needs, not just my students. I want to share it with everyone

So, in the lead-up to re-opening The Wonder Sessions for enrollment this year, I’ve decided to do something different. Something that I think will be helpful for so many of us!

Can I have a drumroll pleeease because I am excited to bring you: 


Being Enough: 

A [free] 9-day course on building self-worth.

(this is your official invite) 


The plan is simple: I’m going to guide you through 9 days of guided meditations, and thinking points.

I will provide daily email prompts and encouragement, and there will be a Facebook group for everyone to share their thoughts, progress and encourage each other. 

Intrigued? I thought you might be!

Here’s what you need to do:

1. Sign up for the course emails. 

Within these emails you’ll get the downloadable meditations and daily thinking prompts.

3. Join the community. 

Within your ‘welcome’ email, you’ll find a link to the private Being Enough Facebook group. In here, you’ll find a community of people who are participating, and you can share your thoughts and experiences, and encourage others. Joining the Facebook group is not required, but I recommend it!

Ready to sign up?



You have questions?

I have answers!

How intense is this going to be? I have a LIFE/JOB/SMALL HUMANS.

This is a 9-day course, and I do not want to cause any major disruption in your life (that would be irresponsible). So, while you should have some pretty amazing revalations, and feel VERY different, you’ll find that you are in charge of how intense it is. It’s like, the course is the car, but I’m handing you the keys, and you’re in the drivers seat, so if at any time it feels like it’s a lot, you can just ease off the gas, or brake entirely. My bigger goal is for this course to be… fun. I know, deep-inner work and ‘fun’ are not usually said in the same sentence, but I personally find that approaching this stuff with fun, a bit of self-deprecating humour, and a community is the best way.

Why would I even want to do this?! Isn’t it selfish to focus on myself at a time like this?

Yes, it’s self-ish. But to be honest, I think that the plague of ‘not-enough’ is one of the things that’s screwing up our world so much. It’s ‘not enough’ that drives us to consume more than we need, and to ask more of each other and ourselves than we can give, and to ask more of the EARTH than we can give. It’s what drives the societal imbalances that lead to oppression: us seeing other people as less-than, or more-than us. And so yes, it’s selfish, but these specific things can only be changed on an individual level.

How much time will this take?

What if I forget or only do half of it?

What if you move too fast for me?

What if I don’t want to join Facebook or share with strangers?

Can I share with my friends/ family/ coworkers?

-If you’ve ever felt like you wanted such big things for yourself but felt as if there was an invisible barrier between you and your dreams. 

-If you’ve ever felt like you were standing in your own way. 

-If you’ve ever wished to feel like you belonged, but thought that it was something inside you that simply didn’t fit. 

-If you’ve ever thought that if you could just be a little more than you are, THEN you’d be fully lovable. 

-If you’ve ever felt guilty over taking up space, or felt like it isn’t your place to do so.

Then this course is for you.

Sign up here: