Step into the Wonder World


Learn about our online courses.

Our flagship course, The Wonder Sessions, will be re-opening for enrollment in October of 2021 in an exciting, and even more connected new format. If you’d like to learn more about it, click the link below. If you’d like to join the waitlist for The Wonder Sessions, or reserve your place, you can click HERE.


The Wonder Sessions

A 2-year long, life-changing immersion that guides you into deeper intimacy and connection with your life, your purpose, and your surroundings. Guided by the plants and the earth, this course teaches you how to feel a sense of trust, safety and belonging in the world (while learning to do things like hear plants and rocks, re-program your brain, and feel utterly worthy of a magical life, in the process).

TWS is closed for 2020 and will re-open in a slightly new incarnation for 2021.

To join the waitlist, or reserve your spot, click HERE.


Thorn & Blossom: Magical Boundaries

A 3-week course designed to guide you into deeper understanding of your own energetic edges.

This course is run once a year in a guided format (with live videos, and ongoing support), or you can sign up for it at a reduced price, to do in your own time.

Read more about the course HERE.

Building Resilience

Building Resilience is a 4-month long course, co-taught with Rosalee de la Forêt, in which we guide you to feeling a deeper sense of resilience and capability in your own life.

Building Resilience opens for enrollment every Autumn. Be sure to sign up for the Wonder Botanica newsletter to be alerted when it opens in 2020.

sprout & Shimmer: the magical business.

In a world of capitalism, competition, and pushing past our own physical limits, how does one create a business that is built on softness, connection and magic? How does one hold on to the connection with the body, with the earth, and with the magic that runs through everything, while still trying to ‘succeed’ at something? This is a 4-week led course, that involves a series of questions, exercises and self-analyses, which guide you to looking at and releasing any stories and beliefs that stand in the way of your growth as a business. In this course, you create the magical entity of your business as a being in and of itself, and learn ho to communicate with it, ask it for guidance, and ask it how it wants to express into the world. In a world of ‘do more’, and ‘force things’, this course teaches you how to flow, and collaborate with the world of magic, to create a business that wants to be expressed into the world, almost effortlessly.

Sprout & Shimmer is a live class, that will open every January.

Learn more HERE.