
What if you were able to trust?

Not just yourself. Not just the earth. But the entire universe and your place within it.


Have you ever felt the longing?

The call in your heart, to be deeply connected to the earth?

A desire to be in relationship with the world around you?

The earth, and all of the beings who live within its field, all speak the same language: the language of energy. It is as if it’s a beautiful, old, giant river, full of wisdom and connection, that is in rhythm with everything else in existence.

At some point, in the past, humans created our own little stream, that is much faster and louder than the old river. This river flows within the larger river, but is separate from it. Like a separate current within the larger flow of all-that-is.

All of us are born aware of the old river, a part of it, woven into it in the core of our being. We’re taught from a young age, however, to stop paying attention to it. To start paying attention to the fast-moving stream instead.

“This is what’s important” we’re taught.

“This is how to be successful” we learn.

“This is how to avoid pain and stay safe” we hear.

So we turn away from the old river, and learn to paddle within the fast-moving stream of human life. We learn a new way of being. A new way of moving through the world. We learn it to survive, but… it doesn’t feel good. Deep within all of us, there’s a small voice that longs for something bigger.

A connection to something else.

It is the voice of the old river calling us back to the old ways.

Not to give it all up and move to the woods and live in a shed and renounce civilisation (though there are plenty of people who teach that, and it’s beautiful),

but to learn how to be tuned into the old river.

To live within it.

A part of it.

And to still be a person in the modern world, dealing with modern things, living in cities, driving cars, using the internet. You know, being alive here and now in 2022.

The Wonder Sessions is an 18 month course that teaches you how to remember the larger web of existence, and your place within it.

Not through stepping away from the very real human stream of consciousness, but through expanding it, gently and carefully, to start to include the rest of the river that we’re a part of.

The frequency of the earth. The rocks. The trees. The land spirits. Fire spirits. Air spirits. Concrete spirits. Electricity spirits. Plastic spirits.

The world around you is alive. Aware. Vibrant.

It is always reaching out to you in relationship.

The thing you long for?

It longs for you too.

You’re not separate from it.

You never left.

All you need is to remember.

That’s what you learn in The Wonder Sessions.

You are a part of the Web that weaves us all together.

Some have forgotten it, but it has never forgotten you.


Despite being taught to see the physical world as ‘reality’, it is actually only a tiny part of all that we have access to.

The surface of an ocean of energy so deep and unfathomable that we couldn’t possibly try to understand or control it all.  

When we live our life seeing physical reality as true reality, we can feel disconnected from the larger picture…

When we truly understand in our bodies that the energy world is the larger reality, we feel a sense of integration, immersion, and intimacy with the world around us: the world of plants, rocks, and animals. The world of fire, water and air.

These beings and the energy that runs through them are as much a part of our world as the cars we drive, the jobs we rush towards, the relationships we stress about. In fact, they are maybe even more real than the things that catch our minds in our daily worries.

It is one thing to know intellectually that the world is actually made of energy, that these other beings exist and are communicating with us, and that we have access to it.

it’s another thing entirely to LIVE this way. To know it in the fibre of your being.

To feel connected whether you’re having a stressful day at work, or are out on a hike. Whether you’re sitting in the freeway in traffic, or are meditating under a tree.

To feel the relationship between yourself and the world around you constantly, in your body, as the baseline of your existence.

There is no separation: no place where we are more connected. It is all the world we live in, and we are a part of it.

All of us are worthy of this, and capable of immersing ourselves back into this world of energy and wonder.

We only need learn to remember.

This is your invitation to a life of wonder and connection.

The Wonder Sessions is a roadmap to re-weave yourself into the Web of energy that weaves through us all. Not just to know it intellectually, but to live it.


The Wonder Sessions is an 18 month immersion, where you will be guided to learn, integrate and embody:

Worthiness and receiving.

Re-wiring your perspective (un-learning the Self).

Connecting with your heart’s purpose.

Learning where you come from, in an energetic sense (spoiler: it’s pretty weird and cool).

Meeting tree beings.

Rock beings.

Fire spirits.

Air spirits.

The spirits of places.

Trust in the universal flow.

Side effects of being immersed in the Wonder World include:

  • Learning to navigate life with curiosity and joy.

  • Find an understanding of your place within the larger context of humanity.

  • Using your sensitivity as a superpower.

  • A deep connection to your own intuition.

  • Clarity, control and insight through your emotions.

  • An understanding of your purpose and why you are here on earth at this time.

  • A relationship with the earth, and plants, and earth spirits.

  • Deep emotional and energetic healing.

  • A deep sense of trust and belonging in the world.

The Wonder Sessions is made up of 4 modules.

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Course Curriculum

Module 1:

The invitation


In module 1, you will learn how to unlock your ability to feel worthy of support, love, and nourishment from the earth. You will start to develop an understanding of how you, specifically, interact with the hidden world, and learn to test your abilities/ intuitions, so that you can trust more of your deeper senses.


Module 2:



Module 2 is an exploration of your Self, and how you view the world. Delving into your personal history, habits, neurology, beliefs, intentions, and worldview, using tools rooted in physics, Buddhist philosophy, and neuroscience to understand the age-old question:

Who are you? What are you here for?

Module 3:



Module 4:

The heart path

Module 3 is an exploration of the world outside yourself. You will take a deep dive into getting to know the elements: earth, air, fire and water, using the tools developed in modules 1 and 2. In this module, you will form deep, powerful connections with elemental beings (trees, earth, air spirits, plant spirits, air spirits, water spirits) in the world around you.

Module 4 is where we bring all you’ve learned together, to move forwards in the world. This is where your answers to the questions ‘Who am I and what am I here for?’ become action. Discovering your heart’s purpose, and learning how to express that purpose into the world. This module shifts your perspective on your existence in a dramatic fashion (which is why it takes so long to build up to), to help you trust the universe and your place in it, in a deeply embodied way.


Each module contains a written series of lessons on a range of topics including neuroscience, ecology, stories from peoples’ lives, fiction, cosmology, and the way we process emotions. These lessons are accompanied by rituals, practices, recorded meditations, and journal prompts.

But that’s not all.

The Wonder Sessions is actually a world unto itself. Included in the course, you also get:

  • Monthly group coaching call with me, where I coach/guide you through where you are in your process.

  • Live group meetings with the Wonder Guides (former TWS graduates who have undergone a teacher training with me)

  • Downloadable meditation recordings for each exercise.

  • A private social network on Mighty Networks.

  • Support from a group of experienced Wonderers who have integrated this work into their lives.

  • Optional private coaching/ guidance from Wonder Guides.

With time and immersion, The Wonder approach becomes an embodied practice.

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What do current and past Wonderers have to say about The Wonder Sessions?

 “It’s almost like TWS changes our DNA…”

Lisa Ritter Grabenbauer

Laurel Eastling

“This class is community medicine & Rebecca Altman is the teacher of my heart. I found I was having difficulties on how to describe this class. I came across these words from a woman named Natasha Clarke. She was speaking about roses but I thought it fit. This class is a slower path, to engage in this dance of trust, a trust of self, a trust of others that can lead us eventually into seeking supported spaces, that can enable us one day to hold again a generosity of spirit to look at other without hatred or shame or judgement but curiosity and care. 

It has also brought about for me a deepening of connection, to plants and to people. I can't find the words to express all the changes and wonder that it has brought to me.”

“Almost a year into The Wonder Sessions and the most significant shifts have been: 

Slowing down. Seeing the overwhelm for what it is. Paying attention even more than before. Allowing a feeling but not owning it forever. Connecting ever deeper with the natural world surrounding. Allowing the not knowing of the future to be okay. Letting love touch my heart. Forgiveness seems easier. Letting habits go. Thankful.”

Emily Willis

Caitlin McMullen

“Through the Wonder Sessions, I've gained more clarity in noticing, understanding, contextualizing and accepting how I'm feeling and what I'm currently dealing with, as well as a myriad of tools and frameworks with which to decide what to do with that clarity. In deepening my own self relating, I'm in turn deepening my ability and desire to connect with other energies and entities, be they people, plants, rocks, rivers or those less easily defined. I'm more deeply interconnected with those around me on many levels, rooted in this web of relationship in a way that feels critical and generative.”

“When I was a young, I saw the world so much differently than everyone else. I could see the energy field of living things but over time, I learned to turn that off because I didn't have anyone to validate those experiences or explain what was happening. During my time with The Wonder Sessions, I have learned to reconnect with that young girl and see the world like she did, and trust myself in the process. This program is like a reawakening and this time around, there are like-minded people around to learn from and share with.”

Kelley Stangl

Andrea B

"There are changes in my life that I have noticed since starting The Wonder Sessions, and they have appeared softly and quietly. I am learning to approach situations, myself, and others with more curiosity. I understand myself better, and have a greater sense of self awareness. I believe I am more grounded in the present moment than I used to be. I have a myriad of new tools that I can use in difficult situations (and better still, I am starting to remember I have these tools, in the moment!) The exercises and work (play!) that we are doing in the The Wonder Sessions are encouraging and opening up my creativity and art practice. I am also experiencing more moments of compassion for myself, than I have before. And I can feel this compassion then flowing back out into the wider world. It is becoming easier to sense and interact with the everyday magic of the world I inhabit. I am sure The Wonder Sessions have changed me in many other ways that I won't be aware of for some time to come. I am so very grateful for Rebecca, and so thankful to be a part of this community. Words seem inadequate."

"The Wonder Sessions has been a gift. It’s like uncovering a home that feels perfectly natural and familiar, but at the same time surprising. I’ve drifted in and out of the Wonder Sessions, yet always come back to not only feel completely accepted and welcomed exactly where and how I am, but also to realize how that drifting is part of the rhythmn of who I am. It’s helped me more deeply appreciate and understand how I move through the world, uncover levels of self censorship, and slowly learn the diaphanous, airy heart of my being in connection with the world. The exercises in the Wonder Sessions are like little pebbles that lead me back home when things have taken a confusing turn. It’s one of the best experiences of my life, and yet it’s hard to find words to express that. Like the wing flap sounds of a raven’s wings it is a remembrance. Like a poem, it needs the spaces between the words to truly encompass it."

Cindy Carroll


“I have an image of a giant wooden, arched door surrounded by the forest, I unlock the door with my key and find myself in a huge cavern with more locked doors, the keys to each of these doors appear in my hand as soon as I’m ready and behind each door is some new elemental and magical mystery to be with, listen to and learn from. I have lived most of my life thinking I was a project, that I was broken and someone I needed to be healed before I could actually get on with my living my dreams. I have also been a life long digger, picker and scraper and through this wonder work I’ve come to know that all of that digging only hurt me more and caused me to stay in old stories and pain. There is power in the telling of our stories and now I know how to share mine without creating a new wound. Through the Wonder Sessions I have found so much more self acceptance, regulation, self love and the discernment of understanding what is mine and what is yours and that I won’t try to make you take my stuff so I feel better and I’m also not going to take your stuff so you feel better. Rebecca has taught me how to witness at a deeper level then I’ve experienced before and this opens my heart to all of the worlds around me. There’s so much more that I don’t have words for but I do know this, I am changed from these mysteries in ways that continue to reveal themselves to me in profound and organic ways. I am full of gratitude for Rebecca, the Wonder community and for the holy creatures that make up The Wonder Sessions.”


“I chose to join the Wonder Sessions because of the idea of connecting to the world around me. Rebecca had an image of her sitting in nature and these tendrils moving out into the landscape around me. I was hooked.

My life has had a number of traumatic events (both big T and little t). Almost 20 years ago now I had an event happen that fundamentally changed me and as part of it I lost my spiritual connection - something that had always carried me through all the ups and downs of life.

The Wonder Sessions seeps into your bones, softening up all the hard places. It's a life-changing journey that is soft and sweet and has changed me again. I'm not the person I was before we started nor the person I was twenty years ago. I feel whole and strong in a new way. I'm no longer as reactive to things in my life. I'm able to speak my truth, mostly with love. Many of those old childhood wounds are falling away, almost healing themselves. I find myself opening to the world. I did find the connection to nature and the world around me I initially sought. But more importantly, I have my spiritual connection back and that's priceless.

Thank you Rebecca.”

If you want to see more testimonials, you can watch some video testimonials here.


The Wonder Sessions will re-open to start in February 2023.

The price for TWS is $5555.

The pre-registration price will be $4444— the pre-registration price will only be available to people on the waitlist.

People on the waitlist also get first notification when the course is opening.

If you would like to join the Waitlist, please sign up below.


Join the TWS waitlist

(you'll learn more about The Wonder Sessions, be the first to be notified when we re-open, and receive a special pre-registration offer if you wan to secure your spot in advance).




-The course runs for 18 months, and you will have continued support and access to the Guides throughout. After the 2 years are finished you will be sent a PDF of the materials so that you can access them forever. If you’d like to remain a part of the Wonder World after 2 years you will be invited to join the Wonder Lab— an ongoing training forum for advanced students.


No. If you feel called to do the course, trust that there is something in there for you. If you do not feel called to it then do not sign up.

-I have a traumatic history. Will that make a difference to how this course affects me? I don’t want to go back into exploring my history, but understand that I have stuff there that holds me back, but still feel drawn to this.

Hi. You’re not alone— I (Rebecca), and many of the Guides also have our own unpleasant life experiences that led to our own nervous system and trauma complexities. In the Wonder-world, we are a no-digging culture. That means, we really do not subscribe to, or encourage any kind of ‘work’ that involves pushing ourselves, or pushing each other, to look at, deal with, or process things that are not immediately on the surface. There will be absolutely no pressure to work with your most painful memories, in fact, we’d much, much rather you don’t, to keep this journey light and playful. You don’t need to go back there to have deep and lasting changes happen, in fact, the most incredible transformations happen once we allow the process to be light and fun. It is also something that really helps to heal our own experiences to do with consent, because this process is led by you. Nobody here will push you. This can also bring up its own issues, because… sometimes we would rather be pushed than motivate ourselves. We still won’t push you though, it’s a really important aspect of Wonder culture. We have ample support, resources, and meetings for you to help you find that motivation for yourself though.

-Is there going to be a lot of emotional processing? I don’t want anything too heavy.

I mentioned in the above answer that we are a no-digging culture, and I mean it. This process does involve looking at the stories, patterns, habits, and history that makes up who you are. It will involve a measure of self-honesty that can sometimes be a little challenging, but in terms of what you have to deal with emotionally, we are very much a ‘keep it as light as feels good’ space: it isn’t ‘better’ to have a deeply emotionally trying experience, in fact, that can be debilitating. It isn’t helpful to ‘work’ at it harder, or self-flagellate. So, the feeling of things shifting can be intense, but as far as the actual emotional experience of processing goes, expect constant reminders from me and the rest of the guides, that you do not need to push, dig, or make this difficult.


No. I (Rebecca) have written the material, and will be doing live group coaching, and Q&A videos, to help guide you through the experience. You will also be receiving support from the Wonder Guides, who are incredible, wise, and understand the material very well, while adding their own perspective and flavour to the course. If you would like one-on-one time with me, then consider applying for 1:1 mentorship.


Yes, the Mighty Network is another social app to learn to use, but, it’s pretty intuitive, and it has some amazing benefits. The first being that it isn’t connected to any other social media, and because of that it feels way slower, more spacious, and less consuming. You can check in, read a couple of posts, without scrolling for hours and wondering where your day went. You can also read the material without being bombarded by things trying to catch your attention. It’s… calm.


Sometimes we can stand at the edge of something for a long time, wanting to be ready, but not actually being ready. That’s ok. This will re-open again next year.

But sometimes, we stand at the edge of something, and what holds us back isn’t not-being-ready, but, simply being afraid of the unknown. Sometimes it’s an old story telling us that it isn’t for us. Sometimes still, it is fear of unworthiness, or not belonging, or it not working.

I cannot tell you which it is, and I won’t push you into making a decision. But I’ll say this: if it is not the former, but one of the latter reasons, then stepping in, not despite that fear, but by taking it in hand and saying ‘I’m terrified it won’t work (or that I don’t belong) but I’m doing this anyway’ is the first step on this journey, and it is a decision and a step that changes everything. Making that step yourself is incredibly empowering. We won’t push you, but we will cheer the hell out of you if you step through the door.


Nobody else can tell you that you’re worthy of this kind of work. However, if you’re waiting for a sign, I’ll say this:

If you have desire, even (or maybe especially) if it comes with little flickers of fear and anticipation, then that is a sign.

If you have want, or longing. That is a sign.

If you feel it in your heart, or your belly, like you’re being called but don’t want to believe it, that’s a sign too.

-This feels expensive and that makes me nervous.

I know it’s a lot of money for some people. The thing is, if you’re willing to actually put your money down to DO this, then you’re more likely to actually do it. To create the space for it. To show up. In terms of value, I can say that the group coaching that I’m offering alone would cost more than the price of this course for 18 months, let alone all the support you’d be receiving from the Wonder Guides during the process.

But more importantly, I can remember how I felt 20 years ago, when I longed for this connection more than anything in the world. If someone had come along to me, and said ‘I have a roadmap that can get you there in 18 months instead of spending the next decade searching’, that would have been utterly priceless to me. I truly could not put a price tag on that. So, it really comes down to: what is that connection worth to you? Is it actually about the money, or is it fear of being all-in with something with an unknown outcome? What if it isn’t about the money, but is about your fear of whether you can actually do it?

We make it easy. It really, truly, is more about setting aside 10-15 minutes a day, showing up, doing whichever exercise is up for the week. Not about getting it right, not about understanding the material, not about being a star student. Simply creating space to let the connection flow in.

-I need something. A reason. Something that will settle my mind, or my fears.

I get it. I really do. It’s not a lack of clarity that has your mind wanting to be settled, it’s that this entire journey is about stepping out of letting your mind rule you. I won’t give you intellectual reasons that satisfy the mind because that’s not what this journey is about. I could give you reasons, but that would keep you safely in the rational world. Think of it like this: The Wonder Sessions is a ship, setting out to sea. You want to see the sea, to feel how it feels to be floating upon it, held by it, surrounded by it. The thought of stepping on the boat is scary: there is a gap between the dock and the boat, and the boat is moving on the water. You want the steps onto the boat to feel as safe as solid ground… but they don’t, by their very nature. I could, as the ship captain, come and pick you up and carry you on board, but I want you to step on board, because it means you are willing to step outside your comfort zone. That’s what it comes down to: I can’t bring The Wonder Sessions to you, you have to come to it.

But there is something that I can assure you: while I can’t satisfy your mind and put it completely at ease, you will never be pushed outside your capacity, and you will always have support, and guidance from people who know these waters intimately.

-How much time is it going to take every week?

As much as you want it to. I know that sounds like a cop-out but it’s true. I recommend that people establish a routine of sorts early on: a daily practice of 10-15 minutes that’s your ‘Wonder Time’, just as you would brushing your teeth, or meditation, or a workout. Just as with any other habit, there are times when you’ll be able to spend longer on it, and times when you’ll be too busy and will have to set it aside, or not spend as long on it. There are sections of the material that you’ll LOVE and want to really spend a lot of time on, and sections that you might want to gloss over. It’s all up to you, and each person’s experience with it is personal.

The thing is, you do have to do it. This is not a ‘read and set-aside’ class. The theory is about 2% of the Wonder Sessions experience— if you want to change, you have to actually create the space for it. The interesting thing about creating space is, however, that creating the space alone starts the shift. You don’t need to push yourself or effort through those 10-15 minutes a day, you just need to set them aside, and show up. Try an exercise or two. The changes come slowly, and before you know it you’ll look around and realise you’re different.

-What if I can’t come to the Zoom meetings?

You can submit your questions in advance and watch the replays after! Our Guides also live all over the world, so you will have access to different time-zoned meetings.

-Do you offer scholarships.

Yes. Read more about them here.


The Wonder Sessions will re-open in 2022.


The pre-registration price will be $4444— the pre-registration price will only be available to people on the waitlist.

People on the waitlist also get first notification when the course is opening.

If you would like to join the Waitlist, please sign up below.

If you would like to pre-register, please email


Join the TWS waitlist

(you'll learn more about The Wonder Sessions, be the first to be notified when we re-open, and receive a special pre-registration offer if you wan to secure your spot in advance).