Knowing your heart:
Thorn & Blossom, exercise 1.
Where do our edges come from?
We often think of our boundaries, or our edges, as the outermost part of our energetic field: where we meet the world around us. This is true, but it’s not the entirety of the truth. Because this outermost part of us is nourished, fed, and created by the core of who we are.
Without a strong core, or heart energy, it is very hard to know what our edges are even for.
On the other hand, with a strong connection to our heart energy, the rest of the boundary picture becomes a lot easier:
-We know who we are
-We know that we are worthy
-We know that we are safe
-We know that our wants and not-wants are important and valid
-We know that nobody’s energy can truly affect us or take anything from us, because our energy is whole, complete, sovereign and perfect as it is.