Stress, sleeplessness, and stolen moments

(what's been happening lately, plus a very brief motivational speech) Stress tolerance is not my forte. Between work, home and running a business in the lead-up to holiday season, I'm turning into a frayed knot. Prioritizing, to-do lists, more to-do lists, priority to-do lists, and putting the rest off till January are all my friends. As are relaxing nervines. My current favourites are kava kava and passionflower (to calm the eff down), with some ashwagandha to help maintain my energy levels, and oatstraw for my fried little nerves. Occasionally I throw in some rose, and sometimes I'll use peach leaf when the stress affects my tummy too. Nourishment is key. Breakfast, no matter how little I want to eat it, sleep, no matter how much my brain wants to keep me awake, and little moments of devotion and peace-making, even if its just standing on the doorstep in the pouring rain for a few minutes.

Little moments of devotion are what I have to offer this week. Here are some snapshots from recent happenings.

It rained:

I chopped up pounds upon pounds of fresh solomon's seal, for Busted Joint Ointment and an upcoming injury tincture:

Emily and I went on a long autumnal walk, in which we kicked leaves around, picked through pine cones, and had a birthday picnic in our favourite picnic spot. Also, she looked at every spot of lichen along the way and I chattered incessantly. This is how our walks go.

Jam and I hopped on a ferry:

And we saw these guys, lounging:

I made some sparkly rose-tinted lip salves:

I hawked my wares at a wonderful holiday show at Platform:

Um, and I met the cookie monster. At a nightclub, even. You can see by my face that I was ridiculously happy and excited about this and didn't notice till afterwards that he had human hands and therefore was most likely not real. Which then makes me wonder who the hell had his hand on my arm and I'm slightly creeped out. Also, I went to a nightclub (that was interesting).

And amid all the madness, there's been cooking, dreaming, dancing and very little sleep. If you're in LA, I will be at Unique LA on the weekend of December 1 and 2. It'll be busy and most excellent, and you should definitely come by to get all of your Christmas/Chanukah/whateveryoucelebrate presents in one place. While I'm officially sold out of Christmas puddings and Surprise Boxes for December, I will have some cool specials and stocking stuffers coming up in the next few weeks, and if you'd like first dibs on them (I won't make many) I recommend following Cauldrons and Crockpots on Facebook, or signing up for the Kings Road Apothecary newsletter.

Coming up in the next few weeks: a small gift guide, fire cider, and fruitcake. You know, because its that time of year.

To all of you feeling the stress: stick it out, man. We can all sleep in a big old fox-pile come January.

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