The lymphatic system


  1. On inner waters and the lymphatic system

  2. Herbs for lymphatic movement

  3. Articles on the lymphatic system and inner waters

  4. Other things for lymphatic movement

  5. Some lymphatic recipes

1. On inner waters and the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is a slow-moving drainage system that aids in the removal of toxins and foreign matter from the body*.  It is a massive part of our immune system (those swollen tonsils you get when fighting the flu? Your lymphatic system. The bloating you get after eating something that doesn't agree with you? Yep, lymphatic system.). And it helps with digestion of fats. This is the surface of the matter, but really, the lymphatic system is such an important part of our body's functioning and SO under-appreciated that when it goes sluggish, it is responsible for a number of problems, including:




atopic dermatitis

frequent illness

slow healing

poor fat digestion





swelling hands and feet


The lymphatic system is the water of our body, combined with our interstitial fluids. And the thing that water hates the most is stagnation. Things that cause lymphatic stagnation include: dehydration, stress, tension, emotional repression, removal of lymph nodes, sedentary lifestyle, shallow breathing, hormonal imbalance, sluggish thyroid. There are more things, and this week and next, I'll get into some tips and tricks to get your lymph moving. 

Our modern lifestyles are almost custom-built to create stagnation: we don't move, we're often dehydrated, we are tense and stressed and don't breathe very deeply. At this time of year, it is time to start thinking about movement. Deep movement, stirring up the stagnant waters that have settled deep in our bodies. 

If you get sick often, feel sluggish and overtired, have skin issues (acne, dermatitis, eczema), edema, swollen tongue (height-wise), then you might have lymphatic stagnation. One of the easiest ways to tell if your sluggishness and tiredness is because of stagnation is this: do you feel better after exercise? If so, then its stagnation :). 

As lymph doesn't have a pump of its own (unlike frogs, those lucky little things), we need to find ways to pump it ourselves. A few hundred years ago, this wasn't an issue, as the majority of us didn't spend our days sitting (which is probably why we don't have lymph pumps in the first place-- we're evolutionarily programmed to move around a lot, and so the lymph pumping was taken care of naturally), but nowadays it is an issue and we need to find ways to move naturally even if we're spending a lot of our time sedentary.

The BEST thing for the lymphatic system is movement: even just getting up from your desk for a walk around the office every hour will get things moving a little. Moving, walking, contracts and relaxes the muscles in your body, which act as a pump, moving lymph through the lymphatic vessels, forcing it through the lymph nodes which act as filters for all the detritus in our systems. Not all of us are cut out for gyms, or yoga, or running, but there is usually some form of movement or another that appeals to us. 

The type of movement doesn't need to be quick or slow, directed or undirected, it can basically be anything that moves your body. I often talk to people who feel as though they hate movement, and it's usually due to years of being forced into sports, and then going to the gym as an obligation. One of the things I have them do is think back to when they were kids and whether they liked to do anything that involved their bodies then: did they like to play in the mud? Walk in the woods? Ride a bike? Run around and play with friends? Play team sports? Get rid of societal expectations, what's seen as 'acceptable' for us to do, and really ask your body: what do you *want*? For many, the answer will bubble up from deep below, and it might seem unreasonable, but give it a go anyway because your body knows things that your clever brain doesn't.  There are lots of options that don't involve having to put on workout clothes and surround ourselves with people on treadmills.

Other than movement, I've listed below some of the other things you can do to help the lymphatic system. And then of course, there are herbs. 

2. Herbs for lymphatic movement

Fouquieria Splendens // Ocotillo

You've probably heard me talk about ocotillo a lot because, quite frankly, it's my favourite plant and I spend a lot of time talking about it. I'd like to preface everything I say here with a little statement about bioregional herbals: 

Some herbs grow everywhere, and some are more regional. Ocotillo is one of those plants that only grows in the Southwestern US and northern Mexico. It's special in that way, and yes, its properties are unique, but that doesn't mean that its properties cannot be approximated by using different herbs that move lymph, blood and direct energy to the pelvis. One of the things that happens when a herbalist starts talking a lot about a bioregional herb is that people start wanting to use it. Which in some ways is great-- it's getting knowledge of little used plants out there. On the other hand, if you don't live in the area where it grows or have access to someone who has a direct connection with it, then the connection between plant, land and person gets more faint. With mass-produced herbs I think it's fine to have the connection be faint, but when it comes to bioregionals that sort of rely on being treated with respect, I think it's important that we stay connected. If you don't live in the area where a plant you want to play with lives, find a friend who does, who you trust implicitly to respect the land and the plants you're using. I get some of my wildcrafted herbs from other areas, but the connection I have with the people i get them from is strong, and I TRUST them, and their connection to the land, to guide us all. And, it shows in the medicine, too. You can feel that connection still, the plants are still alive, vibrant, practically shining with it. So, that's my rant. 

Now on to ocotillo. 

Ocotillo is a deep energy mover. It moves energy in the pelvis, in the blood, in the deep, old energy of the body. It dredges it up gently, softly, calmly, bringing it to the surface, moving it through the liver so that it can be processed (in the case of toxins) and through the consciousness so that it can be processed (in case of grief and trauma).  Much like its branches come together and concentrate at its base, ocotillo’s effect tends to go to the root of the problem, and spread out from there. As a result ocotillo’s effects are incredibly broad-reaching, from portal venous congestion, to pelvic blood stagnation, to prostatitis, to decreased sex drive, to emotional stagnation and trauma.

I don't like to play favourites (ok who am I kidding I have a classification for everything), but ocotillo is my favourite herb :). I fully believed that it was this plant that saved me from psychiatric hell, and that's because I have a super emotional streak. Because in society it's not super sexy to have strong feelings about things, especially vulnerability, sadness, fear. Nor is it ok for a lot of people to express their anger in a healthy manner-- this is something we learn so early in life that it's not even a conscious thing for most (how many temper tantrums were we all stopped from having one way or another?). So, what happens to all those strong emotions when they can't be expressed? They get shoved down into the body where they won't come out again. Except, they of course *do* come out, and they create a world of issues for us, bubbling up at inopportune times, clouding the way we see the world.

Ocotillo has many, many amazing uses, but in this specific instance, it really helps to dredge up old, stagnant, stuck emotions that are trapped deep in the body. It dredges them up gently so that we don't get overwhelmed, and with a sort of compassion that feels a little sweet and nurturing. This is a really valuable thing for people who have been trying to ignore their feelings for a long time, or who have suffered trauma that they haven't been able to process (but want to do so, gently). 

Read more: My articleSophia's articleKiva Rose's article
Found in:  Ocotillo + Rose heart center elixirWild rose + Sandalwood body oilWaterways lymphatic elixirOcotillo + Rose bath salts

Alnus spp. // Alder

Alder is a sweet, gentle but tough lymphatic that grows next to waterways. It sends its roots down into the stream, which I think of as a really nice image for how alder works in the body, sending its roots down into the stream of our bodies, to regulate the flow of water. It gently moves stagnant lymph and interstitial fluid, while also having an effect on the liver, making it really great for people with skin conditions or liver issues due to overall stagnation. It's one of the first things I reach for at first sign of getting sick because of its ability to increase lymphatic function, which in turn helps the immune system work better. 

It's also... watery. A plant that nourishes and protects and is gentle and dare I say even somewhat maternal in our bodies, with ourselves, and the way we look at our waste. Most of us tend to have a 'X is bad and I want to get it out' mentality towards 'toxins' and alder teaches us that instead of cutting things out, we can process, gently, soothingly, yet with firm boundaries that don't take any shit. 

It isn't a substitute for exercise, a healthy diet and lots of water, but if that's not going to happen, then a little help can go a long way to helping with things like acne, tiredness, immune sluggishness, etc. 

Read more: Kiva's article
Found in:  Waterways lymphatic elixir (back in stock next week)

Violet // Viola spp.

Cooling, soothing, moistening, I think of violet as something that connects us to a gentler space in ourselves: slower, sweeter, more hidden. Violet is a nourishing, gentle lymphatic, but is also deeply moistening. I think of it as being perfect for people who tend towards dryness and stagnation, or where providing moisture helps the body to move the stagnation a bit (picture a stream without enough water in it, and how that dries up but also stops flowing). 
It's a really common spring flower in most parts of the country (less so around here, though it can still be found in abundance in places). How to gather it and use it? Pick the flowers and lay them out somewhere in a single row on top of something like paper or a basket to dry. Do the same with the leaves. Then when they're truly dry, store them in an airtight jar. Then, when you feel like it, take a small handful of the leaves and make an infusion: cover with boiling water and let it sit for 20 minutes or so, then stir in a spoonful of spring flower honey (recipe below) before you start sipping. It's incredibly soothing, and quite delicious. 

More info: Violet's edible and medicinal uses by Juliet Blankespoor 
Found in: Lymphatic massage oil

3. Articles on water and the lymphatic system

My article on ocotillo (my favourite lymphatic herb and one I'll be relying on heavily in the February surprise box)

On water (another article by me, delving more into the lymphatic system and stagnation and its interaction with our emotions)

Lymphatic tips for winter cold care

iva rose's article on alder (another one of my favourite herbs for lymphatics)

Become a lymphomaniac (a lecture by Carolyn Gagnon, on the lymphatic system and lymphatic herbs)

Katy Bowman on breast tissue and lymphatics

Jim McDonald's article on violet

4. Other things for inner water movement

Walking. Actually movement in general gets your lymphatic system moving, but walking does something special simply because our psoas muscles contract and relax as we're doing it, and this gets blood and lymph moving in our trunks. 

Water. Hydration is so important for the functioning of our lymphatic systems-- its comprised mainly of water and is one of the places that suffers when we're lacking moisture. For those of us who tend to live in dry climates, if your lymph is all stuck and you're feeling stagnant and gross, check to see if you're hydrating enough (and if you're a heavy sweater you might want to consider adding a pinch of sea salt to your water to make sure you actually keep your water in your body!). 

Skin brushing. A quick and easy addition to your daily routine, skin brushing is gentle and stimulating and gets lymph moving nicely. 

The psoas is a muscle that runs from the bottom of ribs on the back of the body, to the top of the thighs at the front. When it is tense, we experience things like back pain and reduced range of motion. Because it runs through the middle of our bodies, when its not moving as it should, it also inhibits the flowing of the lymph in our trunks. Relaxing the psoas before walking really helps get lymph moving-- in fact some people can really feel the movement in their bellies after doing it. Here's a good psoas release

Deep breathing. Deep breathing pumps the lymphatic ducts, and our livers while we're at it. Its something we don't do often because most of us are tightly wound and stressed (who? me??) so taking a few minutes throughout the day to take some deep deep breaths really helps get things moving and in turn relaxes us AND helps to get rid of feelings of frustration and stagnation-- something I'm convinced most of us feel more often than we admit :). 

This looks interesting. 

Respiratory hacking (not, like, a hacking cough; the other type of hacking).

On diaphragm movement and how it affects our bodies and stress levels

The amazing gut smash (I do this every morning and it makes such a difference)

This is another of my favourite diaphragm exercises (I don't do it every morning but really *should*)

5. Lymphatic recipes

Lymphatic massage oil

You'll need: 

a quart of carrier oil (I like sunflower because it absorbs so nicely, but you can use any oil you like to use on your skin-- coconut and sweet almond are also lovely)

1/2 cup fresh or dried calendula blossoms

1/2 cup fresh or dried alder bark and/ or leaves

1/2 cup red root leaves, twigs and roots (or just roots if you're ordering it online)

Essential oils for scent


Pour the oil over the herbs in a jar or heat-proof container of some kind and place somewhere warm (I like to use a crock pot on its lowest setting, but you can also put it all in a jar in a yogurt maker or in an oven that is off but has the pilot on). Leave for at least 24 hours. Your oil should change colour from the plant matter. After 24 hours you can strain out the plant matter, making sure to squeeze it well. Pour into a bottle, add your essential oils for scent, and use as often as you'd like. 



Lymphatic Tea

A small handful of violet leaf

A small handful of calendula flowers

A small handful of redroot

A handful of red clover blossoms

A pinch of lemon peel

A pinch of sage

A large pinch mint


This will last you for a few cups. Put a tablespoon in a jar, cover with boiling water and leave to steep for 15 minutes. Strain and sip. For best results use daily. 

Rebecca AltmanComment